Rithmic Trading Platform
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R | Trader™
R | Trader™ is Rithmic’s front end trading and real time risk management screen. With R | Trader™ you can view quotes, market depth and option strikes in real time, place trades and pull orders, and view order history, performance, positions and risk limits. FCM and IB administrators use R | Trader™ to do all that traders can on behalf of any of their users and accounts. Administrators can set risk limits, activate and deactivate users and accounts and record fills and cancels whose execution has been made outside of the Rithmic trade execution software.
R | Trader Pro™
R | Trader Pro™ is R | Trader™ with charts and a real-time interface to and from Microsoft Office Excel. In addition to all the functionality of R | Trader™, with R | Trader Pro™ you can view about 100 studies and stream them in real-time into Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheets. With the power of Excel, you may develop your own indicators and, using Rithmic’s two way real-time interface, you may configure trades to be sent back into R | Trade Execution Platform™ through R | Trader Pro™, automatically or with the click of a button.